

On 1st September, a new chapter began for the nine new trainees and one business administration student: They started their working life at REISSER Schraubentechnik GmbH. To make the start of their apprenticeship an unforgettable one, a varied introductory week is laid on for newcomers in which they explore the various parts of the company. It goes without saying that the plan includes a tour of the company's individual departments, the warehouse, production and the in-house electroplating shop. An apprentices' rally with a joint challenge involves all of the training year groups, and the individual year groups can get to know each other better and get a first taste of REISSER in their future departments. At the end of the introductory week there's an excursion for everyone, with fun guaranteed and the focus being placed on the team. After all those new perceptions have been gained and following a barbecue for everyone, training commences with full steam ahead.

Co-operative studies, training – or would you prefer an internship? REISSER Schraubentechnik offers a variety of entry opportunities for interested parties. Visit www.reisser for all the information about commercial and industrial apprenticeships, as well as the dual Bachelor courses.